Several years ago while reading in Jeremiah I ran across this verse: "For the Lord has both purposed and performed what He spoke concerning the inhabitants of Babylon." I have no idea why I was reading in the 51st chapter, but the 'purposed and perform what He spoke' jumped out at me like a rubber band used to fly off a friend's finger with absolute accuracy.
For the next few weeks I ran across several verses:
Job 36:5: He is mighty and firm in His purpose. . . Isaiah 46:10-11: I say, "My purpose will stand. What I have planned, that will I do". . . Isaiah 14:24 & 27: 'as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.' For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart Him? . . . Proverbs 19:21: Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. . . There are many, many more, but I think you get the drift.
God started purposing and performing about a year after that to move us to Oklahoma. He was not only in the big details, He was front and center in the small ones too. And I do mean ridiculously small. It still makes me laugh out loud to think of some of the ways He proved to us that His purpose was to move us to Edmond, Oklahoma. And He also performed it.
On February 21st God's purpose was to usher Dad into His very presence. The swiftness with which he was gone is startling. We still had at least another year, or so we thought. My purpose was for Dad to live through his 90's -- drinking coffee in one of the rocking chairs on my back porch each morning and watching the cardinals fly from tree to tree singing their beautiful songs. He was also supposed to draw silly caricatures of his great grandchildren, just as he had done for his children and grandchildren. There was supposed to be crossword puzzle books strewn through the house waiting for the veteran solver to finish them. There was supposed to be a hiding place with Hershey Miniatures of which everyone knew. And of course, there was always to be more stories about days gone by.
And even as we were going through the motions of getting details worked out for Dad's funeral, God showed us again that He purposes and performs what He speaks. When we were deciding on what topics would be spoken of, Nathan requested to see Dad's Bible. In it we found his notes from the last Sunday School lesson he had taught - probably back in August. Nathan blanched as he read the title -- Going Home. And of course, the reference was John 14. It was one of those moments that will be etched in my mind for all of eternity. We didn't know whether to cry or laugh. It was an overwhelming moment to be sure. And . . . we went to the funeral home to see Dad. And . . . stitched into the inside lid of the casket were the words . . . Going Home.
God Almighty, in His wisdom and unconditional love, purposes and performs to bring us to Himself. God has taught me through the years there is no such thing as coincidence. Why? Because He purposes and performs. And He uses the big things, and the small things, to let me know He is close, that He cares, that He loves me, and that He has it ALL figured out. Even when His purpose is so different from mine, I can trust Him.
I remember many years ago when a friend lost her full-term baby boy at birth. It was painful and traumatic. She spoke of people sending all kinds of books for her to read, and she read most if not all of them. But I'll never forget the testimony she had for us young mothers that morning. It went something like this: "The one place I know I can go for real comfort is to God's Word -- this book. It has been our foundation, our rock, our hope. God is who will get us through this." She was right.
I hope you know Him -- this God who purposes and performs that which He speaks. There's room for you. He is always calling. He is our Foundation. He is our Rock. He is our Hope. Philippians 2:13 says this: "It is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose . . ." Sweet, sweet comfort.