Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Hi everyone!  I've missed my blog. Truly. I think I would share more if I didn't seem to think it had to be deep and long..... wait! Isn't there a song? Hahaha. I've recently become even more certain that I have adult-onset of ADHD. (and yes, I really know there's no such thing)

As I was cleaning yesterday, trying desperately to get back into some sort of routine, I was also listening to Numbers. I have discovered that I retain or think more about something when I hear it rather than just reading it. Anyway, as I was listening it dawned on me that following the law of the Old Testament is just plain old wearisome. And difficult. And impossible. Have you really paid attention to any of the rules and rituals required for the offerings? And how many different kinds of offerings there were? And there were even offerings for accidental sins? I would have never been able to keep up! I would have never been able to stand before a holy God.

And then Paul comes along in the New Testament and informs us that the reason for the law was so we would KNOW we can't stand before a holy God. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice, who covers all our sin, whose righteousness we wear before a holy God. I don't know about you, but I'm relieved.

By Grace Alone . . .


1 comment:

  1. Just found the link to your blog - thanks for reposting. I know what you mean about having a more receptive mind/heart while doing and listening. :) I think that might have been a plan. Anyway, glad to see it and will bookmark so I can come back and get inspired - if nothing else, to see your happy face lol!
